Debunk teachers taught

6 min readJun 23, 2020
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Our teachers told us the Sun is the biggest shining star up there, so they taught us ‘twinkle twinkle "LITTLE" star’...right? Well, I sang that rhyme too but will never to my kids.
( Chill I’ll explain why)

While growing up i wanted to become everything intriguing and fascinating, anything with the power of taking me on a journey to Wonderland and back. Astrology wasn’t really on my A list, but sure was one of those ‘Chumps’ that left me wondering what shape the universe bears. But who really cared what lies beyond the deep blue skies, so long as we know the nine planets we are cool right? (sometimes i forget which is which and wonder how Mars got that ring round it🙄)

What u say? Mars gat what?

I mean does that fetch the Benjamin’s? Truth be told, i was avoiding Quantum Physics. Gosh! God knows i won’t embarrass my generation abeg. Anyways let’s leave that talk.

The Sun has always been a poem of impenetrable obscurity to many. Little wonder the nine planets encircles in awe, trembling and in fear of incurring it’s wrath. (But trust Earth na, disobedient shyde 😂 Sun don punish am tire with heat)

As gigantic as the sun is, there are nuclear bodies far bigger than it is, which could be referred to as “stars" and the biggest of them all is “VY Canis Majoris.” The largest shinning star ever discovered.

I’ll save you details of how I discovered because I prefer keeping my post’s short, (but you know Wiki right?)

I haven’t told you why I scribbled this. l’m out to make two points.
1) To let you know you’re infinitely too little
2) You’re infinitely too damn insignificant
3) You’re ceaselessly too little not to acknowledge the existence of God.
(I said two points right? My bad)

call me that insignificant Insult again

So sorry i won’t 🙌

This red hyper giant star is 2,000 times wider than the sun and 9.3 billions of our sun can fit inside it. 155,000 times size the earth & That’s 3 quadrillion 729 trillion Earths can fit into it. A star this size, one can wonder why don’t we see it at night asides Sirius the brightest night star in our galaxy? Well Canis Majoris is believed to be 42,000 light years from our galaxy. A light year is used when expressing distances to stars & which is 6trillion miles (10 trillion kilometers). click Here to know more about light years

Canis Majoris. Image from

This implies it took this star 42,000 light years for it to be seen from our galaxy; the Milky Way. It is still not visible to the naked eye and can only be seen with the help of a small telescope.

(Getting the point?)😎

The Sun’s size in comparison to the star

Canis Majoris lies in its galaxy called "Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy”, which is the closest neighboring galaxy to our galaxy. This small galaxy contains a relatively high percent of red hyper giant stars & has billions of it.

If you were magically transported to Canis Majoris on a passenger airplane traveling along the surface at an average cruising speed of 559 mph (900km/h) it would take over 1,100 years to complete one circuit because its radii is 19,758 billion kilometers in size.

This is not your physics class

Okay I promise, no more physics here

Now imagine the earth as an un-popped popcorn & the sun a basketball, it means Canis Majoris will approximately be the height of two Twin Towers, or combine two Mount Everest and place a gulf ball at the top.

(shey you get?)


Canis Majoris is also the most luminous star ever known. Luminosity is the measure of the total amount of light energy put out by a star.

This star is 430,000 times more luminous than the sun. This means it puts out 430,000 more light energy. Star’s shine cos they convert fuel to energy…

(let’s leave that line so i wont lose you.)

If the sun is replaced with Canis Majoris it would engulf all the planets in the solar system to Saturn. We would not see it as well because Earth would be inside it. There would be no night and Earth would be charged with it’s energy.

I wish to stop here but leaving you halfway curious does a little or no good to my satisfaction— now a little pry — remember, I said i am out to achieve 2 points right? But at this point i’m wondering if i’m hitting any at all.

Don’t mind the making 3 points thing i said earlier


It is said that this star is slowly nearing its death and it’s final death will create a black hole which could be a red flag to Earth. I’ll tell you a little about what may happen if this star passes then i’ll end this.

Canis Majoris has already shed over half of its original mass. It is in the final throes of death and could explode at literally, any time. If it exploded today, some 42,000 light years away, the blast wave would slam into the surrounding envelope of material with a velocity of thousands of kilometers per second and produce what is known as a “Supernova” The end of this star will come as a violent supernova explosion, which will happen, cosmologically speaking, very soon. Maybe in a thousand years or, maybe, in a few hundred thousand. When this star dies the bright explosion will be viewable from Earth. Our descendants will attend a good show and see VY Canis Majoris illuminate the sky. (I still don’t want to lose you so i’ll dropped a video here for more on that)

Image from

If this is just the size of a star close to our galaxy then what lies beneath ‘Sloan Great Wall' the least seen galaxy from ours? Aliens? Now I’ve gotten @chloemaxxi attention I think

(maybe I’ll tell you next time)

See me see wahala o! 🙄 I almost attempted calculating how many humans could fit into this star but, Naaa! I wont. that’s like counting sand in the Sahara

(I believe by now you’re beginning to score one or two points, even if it’s not any of the aforementioned points, cos I didn’t write this in vain oo 🙄)

We’re nothing near this star in mass yet our God who created this hyper giant illuminous star DWELLS in you and I and inhabits our worship, what a God!!!

This is just a fraction of the big picture. Psalms 8:3-9 explains it all


Pardon me if this post didn’t really make any sense to you. Read it again if you can, or better still wait for my serious post.

Thank you Marshal Paul and @chloemaxxi for proof reading this.




Written by TheArtPreacher

I'm Simon, friends call me TheArtPreacher, I laugh a lot and I've been ransomed and here are my thoughts:

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